All drivers should take the time to read and study the following collection of guidelines. In that way, each of them will understand better how to react, when reaching an intersection at the same time as another driver. Their position at that particular location determines the nature of their responsibilities.
Rules to be followed by driver that wants to make a left hand turn
Use your left rear signal light to make other drivers aware of your intentions. Get into the left hand lane. Yield to oncoming traffic before making the turn. The approaching drivers must follow certain rules as well. Each of them must acknowledge awareness of the other driver’s intentions. That acknowledgement comes in the form of a yielding action. When an approaching driver yields, the one making the turn gets provided with a clear intersection.
Rules to be followed when making a right hand turn
Before turning, yield to the other drivers with a green light. Watch for any pedestrians in the cross walk. Check for the presence of any crosswalks that run diagonally, from corner to corner. Watch, too, for any approaching riders on bicycles.
Do not assume that right hand turns are allowed at all intersections. Pay close attention to the traffic signs. Watch for those signs that make it clear that all drivers turning right have to undertake that specific action when the light has turned green.
Rules that apply to an intersection that has no traffic signals or stop signs
The most basic rule that relates to intersections concerns the time of the driver’s arrival at any given intersection. The driver that gets there first has the right to move into the intersection. Still, drivers might arrive just seconds apart. In that case, another basic rule applies.The vehicle on the right side has the right of way. Still, there could be times when the vehicle on the left side reaches an intersection just seconds before the one on the right side. In that case, the driver in the car on the right must carry out the duty that has been given to all drivers. That is the duty to do everything possible in order to avoid a collision.
Applying that duty to the driver’s actions at entrance to a driveway
The risk for an accident increases, if a driver must wait in the street for someone who is coming out of that driveway. Hence, it makes sense for any exiting drivers to yield to those that want to enter that same driveway. Naturally, both drivers should watch for any approaching pedestrians. By the same token, pedestrians ought to use an extra measure of caution when crossing some driveway’s entrance way. And if there is a mishap, then consulting with an injury lawyer in Burnaby is important.