As an accident victim feels a shooting or throbbing pain, that same adult might find it hard to detect a weakness in any plans to pursue a personal injury case. Still, one or more of the actions taken by that same adult could make such a case hard to win. That is why good lawyers take the time to caution a client against making any of those wrong moves.
Wrong move #1: Failing to see a doctor as soon as possible
Sometimes an accident victim does not realize the extent of his or her injuries. The victim’s pain sensation might have been subdued, due to the body’s ability to release adrenalin and endorphins. Alternately, the victim might have damaged only his or her soft tissues.
In both instances, the victim’s awareness of physical problems has failed to manifest itself. Hence, that injured accident victim fails to visit a doctor. The victim’s lack of readiness to schedule such a visit does not showcase the serious nature of the victim’s medical problems.
Wrong move #2: Making a foolish claim at the scene of the collision
An accident victim might make reference to a pain but still delay that visit to a doctor’s offices. While that constitutes a foolish move, it can be made all the more harmful if it gets combined with a dangerous statement. That statement would be one that constituted denial of any known bodily damage.
The presence in a body of adrenaline and endorphins can make a victim feel almost normal. The person that has such a feeling could have reason to say that he or she had not been hurt. Smart victims do not describe the sensations experienced by their entire body. Instead, such victims talk about what has happened to a specific part of their body.
Almost certainly some part of the victim’s body came in contact with a part of the now damaged vehicle. Wise victims make a point of focusing on that particular body part. As that same body part changes, the affected victim cannot deny the existence of bodily harm, harm caused by a negligent adult.
Wrong move #3: Failing to hire an Injury Lawyer in Abbotsford
Lawyers have a great deal of experience, in terms of negotiating with an insurance company. Each of them has developed the skills that are exhibited by all great negotiators. The average accident victim does not possess those same skills.
Some adults hesitate to contact an attorney. Such men and women feel as though all lawyers want to take advantage of someone else’s misfortunes. Yet a good personal injury lawyer focuses on helping the victimized client, and not on the monetary rewards that would be acquired by offering such assistance.